It is day 55. We have been living our lives in limited square footage, restricted to the four walls of our homes. Our physical expeditions have been relegated to grocery runs and drugstore visits. Our global links, however, have become stronger. We are able to connect to people hundreds and thousands of miles away. Most of us are online all the time.
So the question is: “Is our freedom really curtailed or are we freer now more than ever?”
In this public issue of The Kaleidoscope Journals, we explore the concept of “Freedom,” its contorting connotation in the current time, and our transforming personal definition of it. Whether it is taking a walk in the park or reading in your private nook, how we see freedom has become vastly different from the dictionary entry. We look at freedom as more than being able to physically step outside, but as a state in which we feel liberated from the shackles of our own mind.